Reasons to Engage a Builder Early
It’s exciting when you take that big step forward and finally decide to build that dream home you’ve been imagining for years. While it’s an exciting time, it can also easily become an overwhelming time – one filled with crucial decisions and an abundance of organisation.
You may also feel confused about how you should approach your project, especially if this is your first time building. You might be wondering; ‘Who do I contact first?’ ‘How do I get the ball rolling?’ ‘Is it better to talk to a designer or builder in the beginning?’
Working with a builder early on will help mitigate these stresses and concerns and will ensure that your project runs as seamlessly as possible. Keep reading to find out why it’s in your best interest to engage a builder early on.
Costs and Budgeting
We’re not sure what’s worse; having an unexpected budget blow out during the construction of your home, or slowly coming to the realisation that your beautiful house plans do not align with your budget. Fortunately, both risks can easily be mitigated by working with a builder at the earliest stage.
A common issue that arises from working with a designer or architect ahead of choosing your builder is that your beautifully designed house plans may end up not being feasible for your budget. This happens because unlike builders, designers and architects are often unaware of industry dynamics that can influence changes in materials or labour costs and underestimate the cost of certain aspects of your build.
Once you’ve fallen in love with your plans and taken them to a builder, it can be disappointing to realise you may not be able to build the home you wanted. Avoid this heartbreak by working with a ‘design & construct’ builder early on who can guide the design process to ensure that you get the most out of your budget.
We’re not sure what’s worse; having an unexpected budget blow out during the construction of your home, or slowly coming to the realisation that your beautiful house plans do not align with your budget. Fortunately, both risks can easily be mitigated by working with a builder at the earliest stage.
A common issue that arises from working with a designer or architect ahead of choosing your builder is that your beautifully designed house plans may end up not being feasible for your budget. This happens because unlike builders, designers and architects are often unaware of industry dynamics that can influence changes in materials or labour costs and underestimate the cost of certain aspects of your build.
Once you’ve fallen in love with your plans and taken them to a builder, it can be disappointing to realise you may not be able to build the home you wanted. Avoid this heartbreak by working with a ‘design & construct’ builder early on who can guide the design process to ensure that you get the most out of your budget.
Aligned objectives and collaboration
A stunning custom home is built when collaboration is the precedent from the outset, and everyone involved is working towards a common goal. Friction or complications can arise without a clear and unified vision, and people working on the project are unsure who is calling the shots and who to turn to when issues arise. You don’t want the added stress of this scenario while building your dream home.
A good builder will help organise your construction project, ensuring that everyone working on your home – from designers to tradespeople – understand their role in achieving the best possible outcome for you and your family.
By working with a builder from the earliest possible stage, you’ll not only have someone managing your entire build, but you’ll also have someone who can personally guide you through the process, step-by-step.
This will allow you to feel in control, understand what is required of you during the design and build stages, and have the ultimate confidence that your vision is being realised.
Are you ready to take the plunge and get started on your dream custom home project? Reach out to the ARCA team today.